A Message from our CEO
For over 40 years Monroe County Medical Center has been entrusted with caring for Monroe County and the surrounding communities. Our mission is simple: to protect, promote, and improve the health of the individuals that we serve. Every day we strive to provide compassionate patient care in a setting that is responsive to your needs and focused on both clinical and service excellence.
We have an excellent group of physicians and employees providing general acute and emergency care services in the hospital, as well as EMS-911 and Adult Day Care. MCMC is equipped with some of the most advanced medical technology available today - 3-D Mammography, Large Bore MRI, Low Dose CT Screenings, Calcium Scoring, and new Nuclear Medicine Studies. These tools help doctors diagnose and treat a wide variety of medical conditions - faster - and with greater precision than ever before.
We strive to make the patient experience as pleasant, convenient and comfortable as possible. Most importantly, we are here to help you get well, stay healthy, and get your life back to normal as quickly as possible.
Thank you for visiting our site and for giving us this opportunity to connect with you. I hope you will read about our services, our patient health portal, our mission, and other aspects of our hospital on this site. On behalf of the staff and physicians of Monroe County Medical Center, thank you for choosing our institution for your care. If there is additional information that we can provide to you, please let us know.
Best Regards,
Andrea McLerran
Chief Executive Officer