Thank you for visiting the Adult Day Care department page. We are available Monday - Friday 7 am - 4 pm. We are staffed with 11 full and part-time employees. You can reach us by phone at (270) 487-2015.
Medically Needy clients ages 21 and up who are members of Home and Community Based Waiver Services, Michelle P Waiver Services, or Private Pay individuals
Responsibilities and Purpose
We provide a social and medical facility for senior adults or special needs clients needing care during the day and assist them with nursing related health care needs. Our services are paid for by Medicaid. There is transportation provided for those who qualify. All meals are provided at no cost to the client while they are in attendance. Attendant care services are provided in the home for up to 8 hours per day including weekends and afternoon care.
Our Goals:
- To assist in the care of client’s special needs to relieve family caregivers
- To delay or prevent nursing home placement by providing alternative care
- To improve the clients quality of life by assisting them to return to productive activity and involvement with peer groups
For more information or if you have questions or concerns, please contact us:
Director: Tammy Wood, RN
Phone: 270-487-2015
Fax: 270-487-2016